Listening to my dear old friend Paul Dooley read Bloom. I never realized he was actually Irish. But that too! says our artistic director Janet Coleman
photo by trs: aaron and janet
Next Broadcast - Sunday, June 16th at 7pm on wbai.org 99.5 FM in NYC
BROADCAST SUNDAY, June 16th, 2010 at 7pm on wbai 99.5FM in New York City, and online at www.wbai.org anywhere in the world. Artists interpret James Joyce's Ulysses.
This years broadcast includes artists from New York, Los Angeles, Dublin and London ranging in age from 5 to 85! Performers for this year's Radio Bloomsday include Alec Baldwin, Aaron Beall, Mannix Beall-O'Brien, Marie-Louise Bowe, Charles Busch, Janet Coleman, Frank Delaney, Christine de Michele, Paul Dooley, Roma Downey, David Dozer, Anne Enright, Jim Fletcher, Garrison Keillor, John Lithgow, Marc Maron, Nick McDonell, Paul Muldoon, Roger Norris, Susannah Norris-Lindsay, Felix Norris-Lindsay, Caraid O’Brien, Eileen Ruby, John O’Callaghan, Bob Odenkirk, Wallace Shawn, Marc Singer, T. Ryder Smith, Jerry Stiller, Tarab, Bernadette Quigley, Kate Valk, Heather Woodbury and Zeroboy
And of course our amazing production staff and engineers including Mark Torres, Jon Almehleh, Reggie Johnson, Max Shawn Rhodes, Max Schmid and Daniel Dunne. Radio Bloomsday is written and directed by Caraid O'Brien, performs the complete Molly Bloom monologue together with Bernadette Quigley. The Artistic Director is Janet Coleman. Mark Torres and Marx Maxwell of The Pacifica Archives recorded actors in Los Angeles for this broadcast.
Email us at radiobloomsday@gmail.com
Follow molly on Twitter @mollyinbed
or Radio Bloomsday on Facebook
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